Thursday, September 27, 2007

4 months

Lilly went to the doctor for her 4 month check up on Tuesday. She was due for three shots, didn't like them one bit! She was okay once I could hold her!

She now is: 13lbs 5oz and 24.5 inches

Last time she got shots she was cranky and had a fever for three days, seems to be the same this time! poor little girl. Last night she was very restless, she woke up every two hours! I wasn't use to that she has been sleeping though the night for a couple months now.

We started rice cereal, for the first two days I think most of it was on her bib, now that she is a pro at it most gets into her tummy! We started peas tonight!! YUMMY!!

here are some pictures that are pretty recent! ENJOY!

New to Blogin

I thought that I would set up a blog that you could check out and see new pictures of Lillyann and see how she is doing! I hope you enjoy the updates! I will hopefully update every week!