Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thoughts in Numbers

Over 27 weeks pregnant with baby number 3

So that means less than 13 weeks till we meet our new family member!

1 more day before Lilly starts gymnastics at the Y

4 teeth currently still coming in for Daphanie

1 more week till Halloween, can you guess what the girls will be?

1 more day before my next OB appointment and most likely a baby number 3 belly bump update on the blog!

36 inches measures the biggest part around my belly!

2 more days till my birthday present is here.. I can not wait to use it!

Baby number 3 has had the hiccups 2 times today, and has also tossed, turned, kicked, punched, and poked me many times!

Lilly is loving preschool, she goes 3 days a week

2 blond heads were shampooed by me this morning and smell so yummy!

2 birthdays celebrated this last week in our family!

And 2 little girls yet to be kissed goodnight!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

We love fall

Please excuse the runny nose, we were having a lot of fun outside and didn't have time to wipe it before every fun filled jump

Friday, October 15, 2010

Dear Lilly,

Please stop growing up so FAST! You love to read, write, color, draw, count and even teach your little sister. Even though you can't do it all on your own, I know someday soon you will be able to! You amaze me everyday, I am so proud to be your mother!

Big Sister + Little Sister


Sometimes being goofy...

...Is how we have fun