Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I WANT shots!

Daphanie had her THREE year old check-up at the doctors office today! In the morning Lilly asked if Daphanie would be getting shots, I said I wasn't sure. Lilly was upset that if Daphanie had to get shots she wouldn't be able to hold her hand since she would be at school! Then after we dropped Lilly off at school and we were on our way to the appointment Daphanie asks if she has to get shots, I say again that I wasn't sure. She shouts YES, I want shots!

As we were sitting in the room, she was so excited (loves to have eyes on her). She asked the nurse if she would be getting shots, and what kind of bandaid and stickers she would get.

The nurse got her weighted, measured, blood presser taken (she loved her arm getting a hug) and pulse. As we then waited for the doctor she was still excited, she got to put on a peach gown. Then she said "get a picture of me" So of course I did! Doctor came in and gave the attention to Miss Daphanie and Daphanie asked again if she could get shots. Doctor said she is only due for one and Daphanie said, No, I want THREE!

After her one shot, there was no tears, no crying and the smile that was there before was gone for a few moments, I asked her if she wanted another shot and she shook her head no! The nurse put on the purple dinosaur bandaid and handed her three 'Hello Kitty' stickers and that excited smile was back!

Daphanie is a tad bit above average height and a tad under average weight for girls her age. We are so happy and blessed to have a happy excited healthy three year old!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Pinkalicious at the Museum

  We went to the Family Museum the other weekend to check out the "Over the Ledge" that they do every Saturday with a different theme. We went to Pinkalicious, they read the book and dropped items that were in the book over the ledge! We seen pink cupcakes, pink bubble gum, pink flowers and more come over the ledge! It was exciting and funny, defiantly something we will have to do again!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To my Valentines

Lovable Lillyann,
My first little girl. You are really so sweet. You love celebrating anything, but celebrating love made just made you light up. You asked if we could pretend it was Valentines day again tomorrow. You sure can kiddo, you love showing love and you are loved by so many! Love you so much Sweetie!

Darling Daphanie,
You have been a curious little girl lately. Which means more messes for me to clean, having a more watchful eye on you, having more patience and taking more time to teach you.  You want to grow to fast, slow down darling lets try to enjoy this time right now. I love you sooo much!

Precious Penelope,
Last Valentines day you were a wee baby, which we already loved tremendously. You are now so independent and you want what you want, and you let it be known!  You are so fond of your daddy (something every girl in this house is), you light up when you see or hear him. Love you Pea!

To my Husband,
plain and simple your the hot fudge to my ice cream
I LOVE you!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Daphanies Rapunzel 3rd Birthday Party

Daphanie you're THREE

Why does three seem so old? Next year you will be off to preschool, something you can't wait for! You are so energetic and sweet. You have a smile that lights up the room, and you love to be the attention getter!

-loves chocolate milk
-favorite movie is Tangled, and had a Tangled birthday party!
-loves to be silly
-likes to ride bikes
-doesn't really like playing in the snow
-loves princess, and dressing up
-colors really well in the lines
-is very curious
-likes to test her limits
-loves playing with baby dolls
-is great with her baby sister
-very competitive with her older sister, she likes to do everything Lilly can do!
-very sweet, says "I love you sooooo much" many times a day!
-gives great hugs
-picks out her own outfits, which are sometimes crazy
-loves cuties oranges

Happy Third Birthday little girl. I love you!

Cloud Dough

The other morning the girls and I tried out a new experiment recipe for some sort of play dough. It is called cloud dough. It is only made with two ingredients.

Cloud Dough
8 cups flour
1 cup baby oil

 It is really soft and molds like wet sand, but feels dry! The girls' hands were soft and smelling good after they played!
They played for over 45 minutes, and the spillage wasn't hard to clean up!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Febuary 2012

Here is our Febuary 2012 header. Kisses from the girls. MUAH!