Friday, February 26, 2010

Inside Snow

We had some nice weather recently and were able to all go out side and play in the snow. But this week it was pretty cold. Mornings were starting out below 0, and with windchill it was even colder! Lilly wanted to play in the snow so I told her I would bring some in for her to play with. I think she was really surprised when I did. We used some food coloring to make the snow colored. We got out some spoons, measuring cups, sandbox toys and even some play food. Both of the girls thought it was fun.
Daphanie has really never put her bare hands in snow. So this was new to her. Usually when she is outside she is all bundled up and doesn't "feel" the snow. She played the longest and had fun knocking over the tower her sister made.
The sandbox toys were great for the snow. Once you bring in the snow from outside and it warms up a little it becomes great for packing!

They both were eating the snow. Lilly made herself a snow cone! Yummy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Papa's are good for..

...Snuggling tired upset little babies.
(and many other things too)

Friday, February 12, 2010


In just one year this little girl has changed in many ways. She started out just a small preemie baby that was strong and ready to grow on her own. She started at 4lbs 8oz and 17inches long. At one year she is 18lbs 2oz and 28 inches long.

She wants what she wants and doesn't want it taken away. She has a high-pitched scream that she does when she is happy, surprised, upset or most often when she is MAD! When she does get mad she likes to bite. She likes to play with her sister as long as her sister doesn't take away the toy she is playing with. She likes to walk up and down the hallway in search of someone, and then will grab on to your led. If you have have something to eat she will find you and want a bite of what ever you are eatting too! She likes food, mostly fresh fruit, but will usually eat ANYTHING! If she hears the bathtub running she will be there in a flash. While in the bath tub she likes to splash, and usually doesn't mind if her sister dumps water on her head. About 60% of the time she sleeps thru the night. She still sleeps in a crib, is unlike her sister and hasn't tried to climb out yet. She wakes up in the morning with a smile on her face and is ready to play! She likes to flip pages in storybooks, and can put the stacking rings back together all by herself. She likes to pull open drawers and empty them. She doesn't like to leave socks or shoes on her feet. She doesn't like to get dressed, or have her diaper changed. She likes to climb on her sister's bed and the coffee table. She can drink from a cup, but takes a bottle before nap and bed time. She says mama and dada with meaning and has just started to wave. She can give hugs and kisses if you ask. She doesn't like to get bukled in her car seat, and is still to little to face forward in the car. She like suckers and mini M&M's.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Daphanie

Little Miss Daphanie in her mommy made ruffle butt bottoms! I think it is adorable, but I am bias because I made it! I wanted to have her outfit match her party theme so I made her a matching outfit and found these cute tights that matched perfectly!
Here she is before we got to Grandma's house for the party! She was in a really good mood.
I made cupcakes to go with the polka dot theme! Also the birthday banner in polka dots!
Cute polka dot streamers, which I also made! When I made it I really didn't have any ideas where I was going to hang it. But the fan turned out to be the perfect place!

The month to month banner that was a previous post. I cut out into polka dots and tied to green ribbon!

Birthday girl sitting with her big sissy! Lilly looks so proud to be the big sister!

Got to have lunch before cake!

Having her first birthday cake! She didn't get too messy! Like any kid I think the frosting was her favorite!

Opening presents. Thank you everyone for the great gifts!
Daddy holding Daphanie