Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thankful November

I am thankful for Daphanie. She makes me pray for patience. She likes to test her boundaries, usually takes them to the limit. She is full of curiosity and spunk!

I am thankful for Lillyann. She makes me smile with her sweet words and innocence. Being the oldest is hard when everyone is looking up to you. She does her big sister job wonderfully.

I am thankful for Penelope. She changes daily and reminds me to slow down and take it all in. Lately she been wanting snuggles through out the day.. and night!

I am thankful for Corey. He is a great provider and wonderful daddy to our little girls. He is always pushing himself to improve and grow.

I am thankful for a healthy family.

I am thankful for my children. They give me the job I so much desired. Being a mother is a job that changes each day. Sure there are things that stay the same: dishes, laundry, cleaning toilets, wiping butts.. but having the chance to watch and mold your child to become an admirable person is truly a gift.

I am thankful for my Mom and Dad. For raising me to be my own person. To not follow the crowd. If it wasn't for them, it's simple, I wouldn't be here today.

I am thankful for music. It makes me happy. Gives me a reason to dance in the kitchen with my little girls.

I am thankful for my brother. If I grew up alone it wouldn't have been the same. He taught me to play many sports and made me give them my all. He would never let anyone tease or be mean to me other than him.

I am thankful for dishwashers. I hate doing dishes and most the time would rather load and unload the dishwasher than do them by hand.

I am thankful for the Internet, blogs and pintrest. I can get lost on it for hours at night.

I am thankful for chocolate, it is absolutely positively my favorite thing to eat. Yum.

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