So the littlest little girl of the family is 10 months old. She has seen every season, and in just two months she will be 1!

She has been sleeping much better these days. I let her cry it out, and now she is a much happier baby during the day! I think it is due to getting more sleep!

She is all over the house, following that sister of hers everywhere!

If you can't tell she loves this tent, Lilly received it as a gift for her birthday and it is played with everyday! Daphanie and Lillyann both love to play with it! Sometimes even when it is upside down!

I took Daphanie out for her first real snow today. She didn't like it one bit! I held her most of the time while we watched Lillyann play.

I sat her on the stairs and she was giving me some great smiles!
Other things the littlest is up to:
-Walking behind a walker, but knows its faster to get down and crawl to find that sister.
-Eating three meals a day with many snacks, and has cut down on milk.
-Still spitting up (throwing up) a lot!
-Loves playing peak-a-boo
-Still only has two bottom teeth
-Says mama and dada
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