So now I am going to be a mom who breastfeeds, makes my own baby food, and cloth diapers. I'm getting pretty GREEN! I was online and going to order diapers from diapers.com, but the key is to buy in bulk to get save more money and free shipping. For what it would almost cost me to diaper Daphanie for 5 weeks and Lillyann for her diaper at night would be around $50. That is saying that I only change Daphanie 5 times a day (which I am sure I change her more). Well if I bought the 4 cloth, and a couple different kind of liners for around $55 which these will last me till she is potty trained and future kids for that matter. I have prefolds already from cloth diapering Lillyann for potty training. But I will probably have to put $50 more into it for more inserts/prefold to have a good supply!
There are many cloth diapers out there, from all-in-ones which you put a new cloth diaper on every time and wash the whole thing every time. pocket diapers which are about the same as all-in-ones but you just stuff more inserts in the pockets to make it more absorbent. Then prefolds with covers, which is what you did before there was even disposables. But they also have this new hybrid diaper which is cloth but has disposable inserts. They are called g-diapers. The disposable inserts are flushable, or the wet ones can be compostable. Which I will be using the g-diapers but I am not going to use the disposable inserts I will use the cloth inserts with kushies liners. Which if I knew about these will Lilly, she would of been cloth diapered! You put this over the cloth insert and it lets the pee go though and the poo stays on the little thin liner and you toss in the toilet and flush it away! No more scraping poo off the cloth, or rinsing! AWESOME!
Look how cute that diaper is (up above).. butt ruffles!! CUTE! I was going to buy this one since it is on sale!(at gdiapers.com) But shipping was $10.. I bought Daphanie and Lillyanns diapers at diapers.com and saved over $25! If you are a new customer use this code BUGA3585 and it will save you $10 on your first order of diapers $49 or more with free shipping!!
So why not the liners that go with the g-diapers? They cost more than disposables! That's why! It is all about saving money.. and the planet! The kushies liners I can get for 7.99 for 100 which is pretty cheap! but with the kushies you still have to wash cloth inserts! Which is fine with me.
I am thinking I will have to do two-three loads of diapers a week, which would be a small only diaper load. If we go to the cabin, I think we will probably just stick to disposables, hauling diapers there and wet diapers back doesn't seem very appealing!
I'm hoping it goes great and lasts, I am going to at least do it to get my money back out of them, so for at least 2 months! But I am hoping it is a new change that will stay! So as of Tuesday I will be a cloth diapering mom..
wish me luck.. :o)
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