Daphanie was born at a tiny 4lbs 8oz and now at six months weighs in at 13lbs 12oz(10th%) That is over nine pounds! She was a short 17inches and now is 26 inches (25th%)- that is a 9 inch gain! woot woot!
Daphaine is..
..eating 2-3 meals a day!
-cereal w/ fruit in the morning.
-veggie in the afternoon every once in a while.
-veggie or fruit with oatmeal at night.
..getting up on all fours.
-moves only backwards.
..very easy to make smile or laugh.
-loves for you to smile at her.
-loves to be tickled-feet, tummy, neck!
..taking about 2-3 naps a day.
..rolling over both ways.
-started before she was 4 months.
..loves watching baby signing time with sissy!
-would love to get the two new dvd's they now have!
..called Sissy, Annie, and Baby by Lillyann.
..sleeps all night long... sometimes!
..sits really good, with support.

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